Batteries and Multiple Characteristics
- Big Five Inventory BFI. John & Srivastava 1999, Handbook of Personality. 44-item scale.
- Big Five Inventory-10 BFI-10. Rammstedt & John 2007, Journal of Research in Personality. Only 10 items. German version can be found in the original article.
- Mini-IPIP Scales. Donnellan et al. 2006, Psychological Assessment. 20-item scales to assess Big Five Factors of Personality from International Personality Item Pool .
- Short Big Five SOEP Inventory. Lang et al., 2011, Behavior Research Methods. 15-item scale.
- Core Self-Evaluation Scale, CSES. From Judge, Erez, Bono, & Thoresen, 1993.
- International Personality Item Pool. Free measures of dozens of personality traits including Big Five.
- HEXACO Personality Inventory. No cost for noncommercial use. Available in more than 25 languages.
- Emotional Intelligence. Law et al. 2004, Journal of Applied Psychology. Total score plus subscales of Self-emotions appraisal, Regulation of emotions, Use of emotion, Others-emotion appraisal.
- Political Skill Inventory. Ferris et al., 2005, Journal of Management. Measures 4 dimensions of political skill.
Affective Traits (More boredom measures in mental health section)
- Boredom Proneness Scale BP. Farmer & Sundberg, 1986, Journal of Personality Assessment.
- Boredom Proneness Scale BPS. Vodanovich & Kass 1990, Journal of Personality Assessment.
- Boredom Proneness Scale-Short Form BPS-SF. Struk et al., 2017, Assessment. 8-item version of the BPS.
- Review of boredom measures. Vodanovich & Watt 2016, The Journal of Psychology.
- PANAS-X Manual by Watson & Clark. Measures both positive and negative emotions. Can be used for state or trait emotions. Expanded version of the original PANAS that can be found here.
- Test of Self-Conscious Affect TOSCA, Tagney et al. 2000. Assessed trait guilt and shame.
Cognitive Traits
- Action-State Orientation. Diefendorff et al. 2020, Journal of Applied Psychology. Three dimensions of Preoccupation, Hesitation, and Volatility.
- Emotional intelligence scale. Law et al. 2004 Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Everyday Psychological Inflexibility Checklist. Thompson et al. 2019, Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science.
- Indecisiveness. Germeija & De Boeck 2002.
- Political Skill Inventory. Ferris et al., 2005. Measures 4 dimensions of political skill.
- Proactive Attitude. Ralf Schwarzer, 1999. Belief in one’s own potential and sense of personal responsibility.
- Procrastination. Schwarzer et al. 2000.
- Resistance to Change. Shaul Oreg 2003, Four dimensions.
- Risk aversion. From Judge, Thoresen, Pucik, & Welbourne.
- Self-Regulation. Schwarzer et al., 1999. Ability to stay focused on goal-directed behavior.
- Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire SSRQ. Carey et al. 2004, Addictive Behaviors.
- Tolerance for ambiguity. From Judge, Thoresen, Pucik, & Welbourne, 1999.
Interpersonal Traits
- Compassionate love for close others. Sprecher & Fehr 2005, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
- Santa Clara Brief Compassion Scale. Hwang & Plante 2008, Pastoral Psychology.
Locus of Control
- Academic locus of control. Trice 1985, Perceptual and Motor Skills. For college students.
- Aviation safety locus of control. Hunter 2002, Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine.
- Brief locus of control scale. Lumpkin 1985, Psychological Reports. Six items from Rotter’s scale but with a summated rating scale format.
- Economic locus of control. Furnham 1986, Human Relations.
- General locus of control. Rotter 1966, Psychological Monographs: General and Applied. The original forced-choice scale.
- Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scales MHLC. Walston et al. 1978, Health education monographs.
- Sales locus of control. Chung & Ding 2002, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
- Spheres of Control Scale SOC-3. Paulhus & Van Selst 1990, Personality and Individual Differences. A three-dimensional measure of Personal control, Interpersonal control, and socio-political control.
- Work Locus of Control Scale WLCS. Spector 1988, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
Maladaptive Personality Traits
- Active Procrastination Scale. Choi & Moran 2009, The Journal of Social Psychology. Subscales of Outcome satisfaction, Preference for pressure, Intentional decision, Ability to meet deadlines.
- Aggression Questionnaire. Buss and Perry, 1992. Subscales for physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, and hostility.
- Dark Triad. Measures of Machiavellianism, Narcissism, and Psychopathy. By Jones & Paulhaus, 2011 who provide both long and short forms. An interactive version is here.
- Dark Triad Italian.By Somma et al., 2019.
- Dutch Work Addiction Scale DUWAS. del Libano et al. 2010, Psicothema.
- Workplace Hostile Attribution Style Survey, WHAS Bal & O’Brien 2010. SIOP conference paper.
- Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale LSRP. Levenson et al. 1995. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
- Mach IV Machiavellianism Scale. Christie & Geis 1970, Studies in Machiavellianism. The most popular scale of the trait.
- Machiavellianism scale. Kessler et al. 2010, Journal of Applied Social Psychology. Workplace focus. Three dimensions of maintaining power, harsh management tactics, and manipulative behaviors.
- Narcissistic Personality Inventory NPI. Raskin & Howard 1988, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Forty-item original.
- Narcissistic Personality Inventory 16 NPI-16. Ames et al. 2006, Journal of Research in Personality. Short form of the NPI.
- Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale. Frost & Marten 1990, Cognitive Therapy and Research. Six dimensions of Concern over mistakes, Personal standards, Parental expectations, Parental criticism, Doubts about actions, Organization.
- Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale 4 dimension. Stoeber 1998, Personality and Individual Differences. Four dimensions derived from original with better factor structure.
- Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale. Hewitt & Flett 1991, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Three dimensions of Self-oriented perfectionism, Other-oriented perfectionism, Socially prescribed perfectionism.
- New General Self-Efficacy Scale NGSE. Chen et al. 2001. Organizational Research Methods.
- Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Rosenberg 1995, American Sociological Review.
- The Resilience Scale. Wagnild & Young 2009, Journal of Nursing Measurement.
- Self-Efficacy Scale. Sherer & Maddux 1982, Psychological Reports. Subscales of General self-efficacy and Social self-efficacy.
- Power distance orientation. Dorfman & Howell, 1988, Advances in Comparative Management.